Sunday, June 7, 2009

It's Back! Not Me Monday!

Well here we are again at the start of a brand new week and you know what that means...It is time for another fun round of "Not Me Monday" where I tell you about ALL of the things that I did NOT do last week. Yeah, right!

I did NOT lose my keys at Target this week only to discover that when I got home that they were not with me...I also won't tell you that when I called to see if I left them there that I had to identify them by claiming that yes, I was indeed the proud owner of the keys with the cute lil' pink plastic fish toy that's attached.

I won't tell you that even at my age I still play with "toys!" Yes, I work with five year olds ALL day long so really now, what do you expect? I also like drawing with chalk on the sidewalk and blowing bubbles too! Whoa! I didn't say that out loud now did I? "NO. NOT ME!"

I also won't tell you that when I went back to Target later that week, my car battery did NOT die on me! NO, NO, NO...say it ain't so! I was so poised and calm that I didn't call my father in a frenzy to ask him what to do next! Why didn't I call Triple AAA in the first place you ask? Because I was hoping that a Genie would appear and wave a wand and make my damn car work! Do you really think I would think that? "NO. NOT ME!"

I do NOT have a love/hate relationship with my car. "NO. NOT ME!" Seriously, why after replacing the breaks, rotors, a head gasket and a battery to the tune of about $5000 all within a few weeks of each other, would I be angry? Is it possible for me to get a divorce from my car and site "irreconcilable differences?" NO...That's just plain silly.

Finally, I won't admit to my foolish mistake of the week/year/century because honestly, I don't make mistakes! "NO. NOT ME!" So therefore, I wont tell you that when I contacted one of my friends on "Facebook" that somehow I foolishly mistook her answer to making "new friends" as a slap directly aimed at me for not making enough time for her and our friendship in my rather busy work schedule. I'm also not going to admit my embarrassment that when after I wrote her an apology note stating that fact, that she had to explain to me that the "new friends" she was actually referring to was her "brand new boob job!!!" Oh my! Robin Dana...honestly, how did jump to THAT conclusion? "OH NO! THAT WAS NOT ME!" I guess that open communication REALLY is the key to maintaining good relationships! Sooooooooo my friends THAT was my week! How was yours?! :)

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