Tuesday, March 3, 2009

It's Ruby Martini...with a Twist!

My cousin has a cute little pug that you can't help but adore...her name is "Ruby Martini with a Twist!" You gotta love it!

Actually, it looks more like a pig's tail to me! LOL! Okay now here is my joke for the day in honor of my blogger friend Wayne. Brace yourself now...Charles Dickens walks into a bar and orders a martini. The bartender asks, “Olive or twist?” "Ba dump bump!" I know, it's pretty lame, I willingly admit it...so maybe that is the real reason why the dog looks sooo depressed!


Wayne said...

First the pug looks so cute and second that was a pretty good joke robin it gave me a chuckle. its great to hear from you my friend and thankyou for taking part in tell a joke tuesday

Jennifer said...

I loved the joke! And thank you for your sweet comment. It made my day :)