Monday, March 9, 2009

Not Me Monday!

Well here we are again at the start of a brand new week and you know what that means...It is time for another fun round of "Not Me Monday" where I tell you about ALL of the things that I did NOT do. Yeah, right!

I wont tell you that even though I did NOT participate last week in McMama's "Not Me Monday" post, I did NOT have the nerve to put my name on "Mr. Linky's" list just so that I could be a part of the "In Crowd" now would I? Really that would be dishonest and just plain wrong so I won't tell you that I actually did that!

I also won't be revealing that I decided to wash my black coat and didn't realize that I had my black cell phone in there and washed that too! Seriously, that would be just plain irresponsible and careless of me!

Then when I went to the AT&T store with my mother to get a replacement phone, I wont tell you that my mother had to also point out that this is the second cell phone that I had that was destroyed by water...the first having fallen into the toilet! (A clean toilet...and YES I made sure that "Mr. Cell Phone Dealer" knew that!) By the way, he was very cute but any chance of him asking me out was destroyed by my meddling mother and due to the fact that I treat cell phones so carelessly! You have to applaud a man who loves his job! He did a mighty fine job too...he encouraged me to get insurance so that this doesn't ever happen again!

Do I tell you that I whined like a two year old when the particular cell phone that I wanted wasn't available in the color I wanted? NO! I won't tell you that because that just sounds so vain and frivolous! (But gosh I really did love that silver model! It was soooo cool but I had to settle for basic boring black! Blahhhh!)

I did NOT accidently run into the boys bathroom by accident! Actually, I should have stayed in there because it was far cleaner than the ladies room! I did NOT just say that, did I? "No. Not Me!"

I did NOT eat a whole sleeve of Girl Scout Thin Mints in one setting! NO, I did NOT! That would be just plain gluttony! Does it help if I admit that I did in fact have a "Diet Coke" to go with it? It's all about balance people! Not only that,but you just have to keep those cute little Girl Scouts in business! It's good for the economy and besides that, have you ever seen a Girl Scout cry? It's not good, not good at all!

Well THAT was my fun weekend in a nutshell! Tomorrow is's bound to get better right? Right! So have a GREAT week my friends and go out and get yourself some Girl Scout Cookies! I promise you that you wont be sorry! LOL...

1 comment:

Bridget said...

Yep, it's a rule-diet drinks always cancel out the calories in cookies! I love Thin Mints and Somoas! :D

Getting the insurance on your phone will pretty much guarantee that you won't have anymore cell phone seems like those things happen only when you aren't insured...well, unless it's my husband, which is a totally different story!