Monday, November 16, 2009

Time Out!

I didn't mean to do it! It wasn't just happened! How? I really don't know...I think that it was the devil that made me do it! Okay...not really, and if I am really honest with myself it was just sheer laziness! "What is it Robin that YOU are talking about?" Okay...I am ashamed to admit that I haven't paid hardly any attention to my blog and that makes me sad! I just got so bogged down with the pressures of work and life that I really neglected my blog and when one of my dear friends thought that I had given up blogging for good, I knew that it was time to finally get with the program and jump back into action so to speak. I got a new camera for my birthday and I have taken lots of pictures and really do want to share many things with you so please forgive me for my laziness and hang in there with me! With that all said and done, let me give you a little preview of what has been happening in my little corner of the world....

We went on a trip to Apple Hill and got to tour a real apple farm! We were introduced to several varieties of apples and even go to taste some homemade apple juice. It was all so delicious! We saw a commercial apple peeler in action and then got to go out into the orchard to see how apples are grown and cared for. Then to top it all off, we went to a pumpkin patch and got to select our own pumpkin. It was a way to end a fun filled day! So here's to many more fun filled days to come and I REALLY can't wait to share them all with you in "Blog Land!"

1 comment:

Bridget said...

I've been wondering where you've been!! :D