Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A Picture is Worth 1000 Words!

Someone took this random photo of me on a trip to Apple Hill that I took with my cousin Lani and her family. In the background is her "oh so happy" daughter Amanda. One of us didn't want to go that day and was literally forced! Can you guess who? I love this photo even though it isn't a very good shot...I literally can feel her pain and my lips look like the Joker's from Batman! LOL! :) P.S. Don't feel too bad for Amanda...I bought her a carmel apple and she cheered right up! I just love, love, LOVE that girl!

1 comment:

Bridget said...

LOL! That is too funny! I know that look well, it is written on the faces of pre-teens and teens everywhere...my son wears it often. Glad she cheered up! I would have too 'cause carmel apples ROCK! :D