Sunday, October 4, 2009

"The Bluebird of Happiness!"

As you can see, Robin decided to get a lil' body art done! guessed it right I got a tattoo! It was something that I always wanted and while some people might say that it is me just having a "midlife crisis" I say that is sooooooooooooo not true. I have finally gotten to the age where I have decided that "Life is too short" and you should go out and fulfill your dreams! LOL! I actually did put A LOT of thought into this because if you are going to mark up your body it better be with something that has meaning and purpose. So I chose a little bluebird. The reason why I chose this was because when I was a little girl, my grandmother always called me her "Little Bluebird!" I was called that because when I was a baby I had bright blue eyes but gone are those days and now I have hazel eyes...sigh! Also, I chose to have my lil' bluebird carry a yellow rose because my mother's favorite flower is a yellow rose and the meaning of a yellow rose signifies strong feelings of pure joy, gladness, happiness and friendship! I just LOVE that! So with all that said and done, I now have a "Bluebird of Happiness" to watch over me and guide me and that makes me very happy! :)

1 comment:

Bridget said...

Love your new tattoo and it's special meaning! I got a heart on my ankle when I was 29 because I had always wanted one, so when I heard some friends talking about going to get one, I went and got one with them!