Monday, June 1, 2009

5th Grade Memories!

My dear friend Christy who I grew up with just recently came across these school photos at her parents house and "my oh my" how they brought back fond memories for me! My teacher's name was Miss Borich and she was one of my very favorite teachers. She taught the 5th grade at Hilltop Elementary School and she was also a photography buff hence the black and white photo. (Yes, that's me under the yellow arrow. Don't you love the plastered hair and chipmunk teeth? LOL)

Anyways, I remember that she was going to get married that following summer so all year she would give us updates about her wedding girls loved it! The boys...not so much! I even remember her fiance coming in from time to time and can I just say that they were the human models for "Barbie and Ken!" They were a stunning couple and very much in love. Well at the end of the year, we gave her a farewell party/bridal shower for she was going to be moving up north to start her "new life" as Mrs. Passoth. I even got a card and wedding photo from her that summer. She was a gorgeous bride and it meant so much to me. It truly made me feel special.

As I grew up I always wondered what had happened to her and upon finding this photo, my friend Christy found out the Miss Borich/Mrs. Passoth had three children of her own, continued teaching and became "Teacher of the Year 2005-2006" within her own school district and was also given the honor of being chosen as "Los Angeles County Teacher of the Year" as well...AND oh yeah, how could I possibly forget...she also became "Ms. Elite 2008" with the United Nations International Pageant System Organization! Now talk about impressive! Here is a recent photo of her that I found...isn't she absolutely beautiful?

Trust me...she is as pretty on the inside as she is on the outside! She was and obviously still is an amazing teacher and I am so proud of her! Now here is a comparison test...who would you rather have as YOUR teacher?


"Ms. Elite United Nation International 2008"
Mrs. Christy Passoth
(She looks just like Barbie!)

Or This?....

"Miss Googly Eyes 2009"
"Rockin' Robin"
(She looks like...a Muppet!)

You don't need to answer, for I already know...I would choose the tiara over the googly eyes too! :)

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