Monday, June 1, 2009

"Summer's a Comin'! Hop to it!"

One of the sure signs that summer is coming, is when I start to hear the frogs croak at night! Some of my friends may not already know, but I am a teacher and this is always the time of year where we get ready to say "Good-bye" to our lil' friends and get ready for the Summer! We also have a BIG Open House Night where the students invite their parents and show them the various projects that they have been working on throughout the year! It is a fun time for all of us who participate. This year we had an "Animal Theme" and we chose to make frog hats for each of the students to wear. They are absolutely adorable but if I am truly honest with myself, they are SUCH A PAIN TO MAKE! (I didn't say that out loud now did I?) Well actually I did because my philosophy is that if the teacher is doing more work on the project than the student, then it really isn't a "Student Made" project now is it? LOL

Well long story made short, I caved into the pressure and made the stinkin' hats and willingly admit that now I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THEM! My co-teacher and good friend Vonda came up with the idea and also pointed out that F.R.O.G. also stands for "Fully Rely On God!" Well how can you go against that?! :)

Now here is a picture of me and Vonda! She's my fellow co-teacher, mentor and one of my very best friends. Vonda truly is the most amazing teacher that I know and I just love her to bits and pieces! I also appreciate the fact that she really truly loves me "frog warts and all!" :)

So my friends....Be a F.R.O.G. and "Fully Rely on God!" Take that "leap" of faith! That's what we did! (Now if I start turning green and begin to eat flies, then I'm gonna be in BIG trouble!)

1 comment:

The Goldfish Herder said...

This is a really cute post and sometimes those projects where we work hard than the students are worth it... just to make them happy!