Sunday, January 11, 2009

Not Me Monday!

My, my, my time sure does fly! It seems like I was just doing this a week ago...oh yeah I was. Well it is another round of "Not Me Monday" where I can be "real" and admit the things that I supposedly did NOT do this week!

I did NOT cheat and look up who the Golden Globe winners were on the web because I didn't want to waste my time watching if none of my favorites were going to win! Why would I do that? Honestly, it's NOT like I'm an impatient person..."No. Not Me!"

I did NOT tell a white lie to one of my friends and tell her that I was not able to go with her to see another friend because I had plans to go out and celebrate my father's birthday. Yes, I really did celebrate my dad's birthday BUT that was during the day, and she was planning to go out that evening...when the Golden Globes were on. Well it's a good thing that she doesn't read blogs because she will never, ever know that I did NOT do that. Whew!

I will NOT admit that I am a huge Law and Order fan and am watching a marathon as we speak...really why would I do that when I really need to get ready for school this week?

I did NOT go and wait 15 minutes in line at Petco to buy 20 live crickets to feed to my classroom's pet toad because if I didn't I would have 21 unhappy children who would think that I wanted to starve their beloved "Splatman" on purpose! The things that one will do for kids...They can't say that I do NOT love them cause I do...very much so!

I did NOT forget my dad's birthday last Friday! How could I possibly do that! He is very proud of the fact that he was born on the same day as Elvis Presley and Richard Nixon. You know Dad, I wouldn't boast too much about Nixon, after all he was impeached!

I did NOT watch the Golden Globes and upon seeing Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt try and figure out a way that they could legally adopt me into their family. Really that would be just plain silly but if they wanted to I'm more than willing. I know that Dad would let me go especially now since I forgot all about his birthday!

So there you have it folks...all the things that I would NEVER do because I am just so darn busy...NOT! Have a GREAT Monday...I plan to!


Wayne said...

Hey robin, Another grat not me Monday. I remember law and order its a good show, I to forgot my nieces birthday. so your not alone in the forgeting the birthdays thing

Tiffany said...

Splatman! That's hilarious! Hahaha!! Great Not Me's Robin! Let me know when I need to start calling you Ms. Robin Pitt. Want to make sure I address your Christmas card for next year appropriately. :)
