Monday, January 12, 2009

"Blue Monday"

They say that "Blue Monday" is supposed to be the most depressing day of they year. Why? I really don't know...maybe it is because of all of those unpaid Christmas bills, broken New's Years Resolutions or because many people start coming down with the post holiday blues. Well it's time to do something about that! I have decided to shake off my own "blue" feeling by showing off some lovely blue things that are inspired by Designer Rachel Ashwell who is know for her beautiful Shabby Chic designs. I love the Shabby Chic look! Some people call it "secondhand stylishness" or "loveable eyesore." Well I happen to think that it is quite beautiful and elegant!

Isn't it pretty! Now I am ready to go out and "paint the town shades of baby blue cause red is so passe!"


Tiffany said...

How appropriate! Love your collage and blue sophistication..lov-er-ly! :) Have I been living under a rock, tho. I hadn't heard of blue Monday before now! Hahaha!

Looking forward to your FTF's this wee, my friend!

Chat soon,
The Boren Life

Wayne said...

hey robin! I have heard of this blue monday before. great blog. I was wondering if you wonna take part in the weekly blog I have done called tribute tuesday. come check it oout on my blog youll see what I mean thanks.