Monday, December 22, 2008

Not Me Monday!

Today I did NOT do the cardinal sin of Christmas and become one of those horrid "re-gifters!" "No! Not me!" How could I do something like that? Really now...

I did NOT get one of those annoying Christmas cards where family members try to outdo their lists of accomplishments and draft up a phony one about my incarceration...I wouldn't do such a thing would I? "No! Not Me!"

I do NOT have a terrible cold and I won't get anybody in my family sick for, no, NO!

I did not flush one of my aggressive tropical fish that I had in my fish tank down the toilet because he was becoming Hannibal Lechter who was trying to eat all of my other fish. Really, how could I do such a thing? I know that the Bible says "Thou Shall NOT Kill" but I'd like to think that Mr. Tiger Barb is swimming out to sea where he can attack algae and fish his own size like the Great White Shark! I am praying as we speak that someone from PETA won't read this post! If there is a protest outside my house my response will be "No! THAT wasn't me!"

You know that I wouldn't do something dumb like do a load of laundry and realize that I forgot to put soap in the washer and have to do the load ALL over again! "No, THAT wasn't me!"

I'm also NOT going to tell you that when I stepped out briefly to go get some breakfast that I didn't wear two completely different pairs of slip on shoes! One blue and one brown...I would NEVER do something like that! "No! Not Me!"

I still don't believe in "Santa Clause." "No! Not Me"...but if you should have an encounter with him, please let him know that I have been a very good girl! PLEASE!

Happy Monday my dear is only three days until Christmas! Yikes I have to go get my Christmas shopping done! Gotta Go! You didn't think that I was one of those organized types that got my shopping all done and my gifts all wrapped did you, THAT IS SO NOT ME! (However I do wish that it were true...sigh)

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