Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Donkey Basketball!

Last night I played in a donkey basketball game and if you have never played or have seen donkey basketball before, let me give you a few of the rules:

1. You don't have to dribble the ball...thankfully.

2. You must hold on to your donkey at ALL times. If you let go and you have the ball then possession goes to the other team.

3. When you're passing the ball, one person (either the passer or the person receiving the pass) must be on their donkey.

4. You must be on your donkey to score.

You should also know that these donkeys are crazy. Some don't move at all! Others buck you off as soon as you try to get on them and a few will run like crazy when you put any weight on their backs. However, I had the sweetest donkey, he was gray and his name was "Cookie!" I was on the "Blue Team" and somehow, I ended up with the hugest egg helmet! Everyone else had these cool riding helmets...well, as cool as helmets can be and I thought I looked like "Humpty Dumpty" LOL! But I had to remind myself that the main reason why I was playing, was that we were raising money for our school's high school students to be able to go on a missions trip to Jamaica! We did well and the "Blue Team" won even though I slid off of the saddle and got my foot stuck causing me to be dragged across the floor! But hey, it was all done for a good cause right? Right! I love you "Cookie!"

Meet my lil' buddy "Cookie!"

1 comment:

Bridget said...

OMGosh, this is too funny! I have never heard of donkey basketball, much less would have dreamed that real donkeys were involved! Glad that you got Cookie, who's actually kind of cute ;D