Sunday, May 17, 2009


My friend Diana, had the cutest little Cocker Spaniel named Dusty and I had the opportunity to dog sit for him from time to time. Can I just say that he was the sweetest dog EVER. Honestly, I never met a dog as sweet as the "Dust Buster!" That was my special pet nickname for him for seriously one's heart would burst with love within minutes of being with him. He didn't have the affect on just me...he was that way with EVERYBODY. Well these past few months, Dusty was in poor health and he was very old...14 years old to be exact. Anyways, my precious friend did ALL that she could to make him comfortable and finally had to put him to sleep last weekend. This was really one of those moments that I so dreaded! I told Diana that if Dusty were human...I think that he would have been a minister. Why do I say this? Because that little dog showed me that we needed to be "anxious for nothing" (Philippians 4:6-7) and despite his poor health, it was evident that the "joy of the Lord was his strength!" (Nehemiah 8:9-12) Seriously people could learn a thing or two from animals! They live day to day and just accept their circumstances and move forward because they have to. I know that some people don't believe that there will be animals in Heaven, but I don't believe that is true for in God's word it says that the "Lion will lie down peacefully with the lamb" (Isaiah 11:6) and I believe that Dusty will be right there in the midst of them! I really do! I even like to think that I can hear God say, "Here boy" and see Dusty come a waddling after him with his cute stubby little tail wagging just taking a stroll on the infamous "streets of gold!" So I believe that he isn't gone...he's just in a better place...waiting...that's all...waiting along with our other loved ones who have come and gone and made such an impact on our lives. So "Live, Laugh and Love" for tomorrow it may all go away...

P.S. The photo of my "sweet little Teddy Bear" was taken with my camera phone...I wish that I had a better photo but it was all that I had and his sweetness still shines through! :)

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