Monday, February 23, 2009

Tribute Tuesday

My blogger friend Wayne created "Tribute Tuesday" where we take time in our lives to honor those friends and family who are near and dear to us. This week I chose my sweet little cousin Andrew Robert.

Andrew is the fifth child of my cousin Lani and he is the most loving and affectionate child that I know. His full name is Andrew Robert. His middle name is in honor of my father. While my father's real name is Robert, we call him Bob. I immediately nick named him "Andy Bob." I know it sounds very "hillbilly" but I'm known to give my close friends and family nicknames. It is my special way of letting them know just how near and dear to me they are! It truly is a term of endearment.

Andrew has always been a happy child. He is very sweet and tenderhearted. I don't have children of my own but I love him as if he were my own. He fills that void in my life and we do lots of fun things together. When he was younger he would come to school with me and visit with my students and by the end of the day he had a classroom of "instant friends" who eagerly waited for his next visit. Together we have gone to the movies, church, field trips, shopping and to our favorite theme park, Marine World! Being with Andrew brings out the "little kid" in me and honestly, what can be better than that?

I truly cherish the times that we have together because I know that there is going to be a day when Andrew will have his own circle of friends and hanging out with "Cousin Obbie" will be nothing but just a fond memory of the past. Hey, I totally understand is called growing up and when that moment happens, I promise that I won't cry because it's over, but I will smile because it happened.

I read this poem once and it touched me so and this is my hope and dream for my sweet little boy...

Little Boy / Little Man
Author: Clair Peach

What Are Little Boys Made Of?
Hopes and Dreams
Mischief and Laughs
Climbing up Trees
Splashing in Baths

What are the best men made of?

Hugs and kisses
Cuddles and Joy
Patience and kindness
Will make a man from this boy

Thank you "Andy Bob" for being such a joy and blessing to my life. Your childlike faith inspires me everyday! Please know that I will ALWAYS be there for you and I love you so very, very much!

"Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.” Mark 10:15


Wayne said...

Hey Robin Andy Bob sounds like a great child who is full of life and I'm sure will grow to be a great man

Thankyou for your tribute

Jennifer said...

He sounds absolutely darling! It's so great that you two have been able to be so close. Even when he grows up, I'm sure he'll never forget the great memories he's had with you.