Saturday, February 21, 2009


Do you know that the bumble bee aerodynamically is NOT supposed to be able to fly? I learned this fact from a mighty woman of faith and a speaker in her own right, named Thelma Wells. She pointed out that the body of the bumble bee is way too big, and its wingspan is too narrow for it to be able to fly. Yet, NOBODY told him that he can't and so therefore he defies the odds of science everyday and is able to do the work that God has ordained him to do!

I know that many of us have dreams that we wish to fulfill but are sometimes discouraged from achieving that goal because of doubt, insecurity or negative thinking that often gets in the way. However, God wants so very much to give us the "desires of our hearts" Psalm 37:4. And nobody can take that away from you for if it is God's will then NOTHING can get in the way to hinder that dream. Hey,if the bumble bee can do it, then so can we! So go out and BEE the BEST that you can BEE! All that you have to do is BEE-Lieve!


Jennifer said...

I've heard this before and it really is amazing, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

I vaguely remember hearing the Bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly at some point in my life, but just now reading it -- the way you wrote it -- along with a Spiritual parallel made it ring True. Good analogy. BEE-yond words!