Thursday, January 1, 2009

"Happy New Year!"

Welcome to the year 2009! Out with the old and in with the new right? A time for NEW beginnings so you now what that means right? It is now time to put that pen to the paper or in this case, keyboard to the blog and make those resolutions that we have been holding off to make! Hopefully for me, writing down everything down will help me to actually stick with it! Who knows maybe I will last more than a week this time! So here it goes!

1. Have the willpower to follow through on THIS list!

2. Make exercise a priority.

3. Keep the 5 pounds that I lost when I had the flu off and possibly lose a few more...thus the exercise!

4. Read more books.

5. Read the Bible EVERY day and find a Bible study class that I will enjoy and actually finish.

6. Make one new friend.

7. Learn to cook something other than microwave dinners and macaroni and cheese.

8. Learn to use my camera and take professional looking pictures...for me professional means not blurry and no red demonic looking eyes! LOL

9. Get back into scrapbooking.

10. Save money!

Well there it is! Simple (I hope), short and sweet! My list for the New Year and EVEN if I skip a day or start falling behind, I will strive to "pick myself up, dust myself off and start ALL over again!" So "Happy New Year" everybody! Wishing all of you unconditional love, acceptance and inner peace knowing that God gives us an extraordinary meaning to the lives that we live. May God bless your richly and abundantly!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Great list Robin!! I too am wanting to take better pics. Like my dear ole sis'n law, Courtney, I received a DSLR and have had PSE for a while so I hope to get better professional looking pics to cherish for years to come. Now, if I could just get that pesky learning curve to work in my favor... :)

Do you do quiet time in the morning with a devotional before your chaotic days begin. I find that on my busiest days when I don't get a chance to get into the Bible as much, if at all, I want then I have at least marinated on God's word first thing. It seems to set my day in the right perspective. Just a thought that might help if you don't already do that.

Oh, the meet one new friend dealie-O..yeah.. I think you've got that one covered. :)

Be blessed and I look forward to keeping up with you and your list! :)

Tiff in Washigton...for now