Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tackle It Tuesday...

I find it depressing to realize that "Piglet" has a more exciting life than I do! You go "Piglet!" You sure do know how to "Tackle It!"

P.S. Is Piglet a boy or a girl? Just wondering...The same goes for "Tweety"...

Yes, I know it is time for my vacation to end and for me to go back to work!


Courtney and the Boys said...


First...thank you for your sweet comment on my blog about speaking up on MckMama's behalf...I wanted to say a LOT more, but thought that doing so would just be making the wrong choice and putting the spotlight in the wrong place. God deserves all the glory in this.

And secondly. I was just visiting your blog not more than a half hour ago through my sister-in-law, Tiffany's blog. I thought to myself how darn cute your layout is, how we follow a couple of the same blogs, and how I used to be an elementary teacher, too (before I became a stay-at-home mom). Then my hubby called me away from my computer to play some Wii Fit together (oh...our bonding time...hee, hee), and now that I'm back to my computer, you have left a comment for me. Oh, the way God works...amazing, isn't it?

Congrats on your new IPOD! SO much fun!

God Bless,
Courtney in Indiana

Courtney and the Boys said...

P.S...Since I can't deny God's hand in all of this, I figure I'll go ahead and follow your blog! I mean, we are meant to be friends, right? :)


Tiffany said...

You ladies are so funny! Boy, do we "run" in the same circles, or what?? Such a small bloggy world, isnt' it! Count me in for following. I don't want to feel left out on all this fun! :)

Tiffany said...

Robin, I hope you don't mind that I grab the praying for Stellan button from your blog. It is precious and so perfect for what is going on right now.


Tiffany said...

Okay, I'm a goof... I thought I was in your comments section when I wrote the below comment. I hit publish and low and behold, I was in MY comment section. Oh, I must go to bed! :)
I know, right? So funny how we're linking back and forth from each other's followers and meeting all these incredible peeps! :)

The MCKmama family is amazing and I'm incredibly grateful for all the Christian women I am meeting through blogging. I really feel fed by the Holy Spirit through each new friend I meet. It can get a little lonely being a military spouse with all the moving around we do. I haven't had the luxery of being in one place for very long to have roots or a growing support system. This is certainly a remarkable blessing to my life as I prepare to move yet, again. Thanks Robin for joining me. Your faith is inspiring. :)