Monday, November 24, 2008

Not Me Monday!

Today I did not start the day off checking out websites instead of getting ready for work like I really needed to. "No! Not Me!"

I did not attempt to glue 21 turkeys with orange fork feet just so that my kids could get take them home in time for Thanksgiving thus burning my fingers off in the process by using a hot glue gun! "No! Not Me!"

I am not addicted to hot glue guns and think that they are one of man's greatest inventions next to the wheel! "No! Not Me!"

I did not rush out of work and fail to tell my friend "good-bye" because I didn't want to stay any longer than I had to so that I could go to Wal Mart and buy some jeans. "No! Not Me!"

I did not eat three cupcakes today and justify it by stating it was because I was sick on Saturday and Sunday, that I needed to make up for lost time! "No! Not Me!"

I did not lose it when I saw my tire pressure light go out for the third time and run the car to Les Schwab Tires only to have them tell me that was nothing wrong thus making me feel stupid in the process. "No! Not Me!"

I did NOT steal the gossip magazine from the waiting area of Les Schwab Tires so that I could have something to read when I took my Calgon "Take Me Away" bath! "No! Not Me!"

I did not think the Les Schwab tire guy was adorable and wish for a minute that he could wisk me off into the sunset in a car that actually works! "No! Not Me!"

I did not order a McDonald's Happy Meal on the way home because even at 42 I still like to play with toys! "No! Not Me!"

I did not lose it when my wireless connection on my computer didn't work forcing me to call my Dad in a panic asking him "What in the &*%# is wrong with it!" "No Not Me!"

I am not addicted to "Celebrity Rehab" and have a major crush on Dr. Drew "No! Not Me!"

I am greatful I made it through the day and ended it with a cheerful conversation from my friend Amanda. She made me laugh and didn't make me feel guilty about taking the magazine from Les Schwab as a matter of fact she wants to "borrow" it! Spread the love around right!? (Don't you love how I justify my crime?) Happy Monday everybody!

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