Sunday, February 1, 2009

"My First Award!"

Thanks to my "Blogger Buddy Wayne," I have become the recipient of the Honest Scrap Award! However, in order to receive it, I must dig deep and reveal 10 dark secrets about myself as well as share this honor with seven friends out there in "Blog Land," so here it goes!

1. When I was 5, I was playing "Tarzan" with a cord that was attached to my mother's curtains and I thought it would be great to tie it around my neck before I took my fateful swing and nearly hung myself in the process. I had to nurse a serious rope burn for days!

2. When I was 12 my mother made me drop out of the "Girl Scouts" because she didn't want to be stuck with the mandatory job of selling "Girl Scout Cookies" and she knew that I wouldn't do it. I can't argue, I love eating "Thin Mints" not selling them! LOL

3. I am bitter because I never got an "Easy Bake Oven." My dad said that it was a waste of money...he couldn't believe that a light bulb could actually bake a cake. I blame him to this very day that because I didn't get one, that is the REAL reason why I am such a lousy cook!

Isn't it beautiful?! Maybe someday...LOL!

4. In junior high, I used blue and purple eyeshadow to make a killer bruise on my leg in order to avoid running laps in P.E. I almost got away with it until my coach realized that bruises don't "sparkle!"

5. I have a tattoo of a bluebird on my back. It is in memory of my grandmother who always called me her "Bluebird of Happiness." She called me that because I had blue eyes when I was a baby.

6. My grandmother was a bit "eccentric" and thought that it would be fun to feed my cousin's goldfish some "Scotch," YES, "Scotch!" Needless to say, he instantly went "belly up" and we had to go get a new goldfish to take the place of beloved "Goldie." May God rest his soul! (Do goldfish have souls?)

Do NOT do this at home..."Naughty! Naughty!"

7. When I graduated from college my mother sent an invite to my graduation ceremony to President Bush (Not the son, the father) I got a very nice form letter back from Barbara Bush. My mother does those types of can be very embarrassing at times.

8. I am a "Diet Coke" addict and can drink up to 6 cans a day...I know that is soooo bad. My dad says that if I ever need a kidney transplant, he isn't giving me one of his...I'm not surprised, he didn't get me an "Easy Bake Over" either! Yeah, yeah, I know, get over it Robin!

9. I once gave myself blonde highlights and ended up looking like "Cruella DeVille!" (I did it to impress this guy that I liked...let's just say that HE wasn't impressed!) Another time I dyed my hair a shade of red and it turned out pink! I don't do pink! Now I just leave my hair alone!

My "Alter Ego!" I don't think Cruella likes "pink" either!

10. I've been to the "Rose Parade." I went with my friend Suzanne and we got up super early in the morning to go see it. We had a great time but actually, I had more fun watching the drunks who had been partying the night before than watching the floats go by. Seriously! When you see one rose petal float, you've seen them all. The drunks were far more entertaining!

Well there you have it my friends! The good, the bad and the ugly! Since I am new to blogging I really don't have seven friends that I can give this honor to but I will choose 7 blogs that I so enjoy reading and hope that you will too!

1. Wayne's Window To The World
2. My Charming Kids
3. Kelly's Corner
4. Bring The Rain
5. The Life, Faith & Creativity of Jessica Turner
6. Insights From The Magic Tutu
7. In Stitches


Wayne said...

Hey Robin I thought your scap heap was great. I couldn't stop laughing at the crowella one

Jennifer said...

That was very interesting!!