Monday, January 26, 2009

Tribute Tuesday

My blogger friend Wayne created "Tribute Tuesday" where we take time in our lives to honor those friends and family who are near and dear to us. This week, I chose Diana who is my close friend of mine from work. I have known her for over 14 years and think of her as my "Second Mother." She has 4 daughters of her own and does in fact call me "Daughter #5." Our inside joke, is that she had a wild time in Vegas and hooked up with an Elvis Presley impersonator who is my "real" father and because she couldn't afford another mouth to feed she gave me up for adoption at birth! Now where is Brad and Angelina when I needed them...LOL!

I truly feel blessed to have Diana in my life. As I am writing this, I find it strange for me to call her "Diana" because everybody at work calls her "Rara" which is the name that her grandchildren lovingly call her. Even the kids at school call her "Rara" but my special name for her is "RaMa!"

"Rara" is the kind of person who would give you the shirt off her back if she knew that you needed it. She is always there for me when I need her and taught me that you should always "Bloom where you are planted." What I took from that is that even if we aren't where we want to be in life, don't look back with regret and be content with what God has given you. When you show contentment and reach out to others, God will indeed bless you. My beautiful "RaMa" you have done that for me and much more! Please know that I am always here for you and that there isn't ANYTHING that I wouldn't do for you! I love you so very, very much!

This is a picture of me and "Rara" at our staff Christmas party. She dragged me kicking and screaming because I didn't want to go! She begged me and said that I could be her "date" because we were both "dateless." That is a doll that I am holding...I said that he was our "date" because I was afraid that once she saw me in that dorky hat, she would in fact stand me up! LOL!


Elyse said...

ADORABLE story and Tuesday Tribute!!! Found ya through Wayne :)

blissfullysimple said...

What a wonderful Tribute!

Unknown said...

That is a wonderful tribute to your dear friend.

Veronica Tyler said...

Very touching. We all need a Rara in our lives!

Wayne said...

Robin thankyou so much for taking part in Tribute Tuesday. Your second mother rara/Diana sounds like a sensational woman. this is a great tribute to her.

Jennifer said...

Wow, she sounds like she could teach me a thing or two about being content--I'll have to remember that saying! She sounds like a really amazing woman. Thanks for sharing her with us.

The Stiffs said...

Very inspiring. Thanks for sharing.

Samantha said...

What a lovely tribute, Rara seems like a lovely woman!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!!

Anonymous said...

A few years ago, one of my ballet students gave me 5 little flower magnets with a word written on the flower pot part of each magnet. When lined up in order the message says: Bloom Where You Are Planted. I still have that row of magnets on my fridge where I see it everyday. You said it the best Robin, when you said we should be thankful for what God has given us. I agree with that 100%. Happiness is here, right now, if we'll just let it bloom.
Love, Amy