Sunday, December 21, 2008

"Oh Come Let Us Adore Him!"

This week we at school, we had a special holiday chapel. It is one of our favorite chapels of the year where each classroom gets a chance to share their favorite Christmas Carol with the whole school. It was also announced that our class won the School Scrip Contest! My students each got a Baskin Robbin's Certificate and I won $100 Dollars! I was so like any good steward of one's money I saved it right? Nope...I bought an ipod nano!

Aren't they pretty? I got a blue one and I am excited not only to be able to listen to music but be able to upload some of my very favorite photos. Sometimes a girl just needs to be able to splurge on herself without any guilt! As for my sweet class pictured above, aren't they adorable. This was a picture that we took prior to our annual Christmas Holiday program. We had a multicultural theme and as always they were a hit. Then we ended our fun week with a "Happy Birthday Jesus Party." One of my students wanted to know just how old Jesus was...I got a variety of answers from 1 to 1000...I actually know that he is WAY older than that but kids you gotta love em' and I do! So come let us adore HIM and have a blessed holiday season!

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